architectural sustainability
project Medisch Spectrum Twente
On 2 January 2016 the new MST Enschede was completed. A large new top clinical hospital complex in the middle of the city centre of Enschede, built according to the latest socio-psychological and technical insights.
newsitem St. Elisabeth nominated for public architecture award Archie 2016!
The Twente Centre of Architecture has announced the nominations for public architecture award Archie 2016. Out of 26 appealing entries, eight projects have been nominated. Two interesting projects have been selected …
newsitem Modular construction in Mönchengladbach, Germany
With the modular construction concept micro-cells for 'urban living', we want to create a pleasant living space for people who want to live a self-chosen life in an urban context, connected by social media. This can …
newsitem Realisation Hansa-Gymnasium in Cologne (DE)
In 2013, IAA Architecten won the tender for the renovation and extension of the Hansa-Gymnasium at the Hansa Ring in the centre of Cologne. The task was threefold: (1) renovation and extension of the monumental …
newsitem Building permit for micro-apartments in Mönchengladbach, Germany
The city of Mönchengladbach has granted planning permission for the construction of 32 micro-apartments and 53 furnished one-room flats ('boarding rooms') at Aachener Straße 1-5. It is a special housing project …
newsitem Havezate De Eeshof in Tubbergen completed
Today, the havezate will be handed over to client Zorggroep Sint Maarten, thus completing IAA Architecten's work at the Eeshof. The work on the havezate itself was done on the basis of the development plan designed …
article Sustainability
Naturally, we fit the buildings we create with the latest technical insights, we use materials with the least environmental impact and structure energy and water as efficiently as possible. Besides having experience …
project Modularly built micro-apartments
At Aachener Straße 1-5 in Mönchengladbach, just north of the old town centre, a residential block with 32 micro-apartments and 53 furnished one-room flats ('boarding rooms') is being built. The centrally …
project Saxion Edith Stein
To anchor the lively student atmosphere into the city, Saxion University has deliberately chosen for the presence of all educational buildings near the centre of Enschede in its policy City campus. To complete this …
project Community College ROC Twente
A multifunctional modern educational building based on the American model, situated around a monumental foundry.