Bethesda OR Centre Renewal Completed

  1. Hospital
  2. operating room complex

The Bethesda operating room centre of Treant Zorggroep in Hoogeveen was radically rebuilt in nine construction phases and has now been completed. Through thorough preparation, good communication and cooperation, it was possible to demolish and renovate while the hospital remained fully operational. The adjustments were badly needed: the technical installations were outdated and there was a lack of space. It also offered the opportunity to implement the latest techniques for a state-of-the-art OR centre, such as an image routing system, which allows specialists at other Treant locations to watch operations live.

OKC met 4 OK's


The new OR centre consists of four operating theatres, each with its own decking room, where, among other things, the instruments for an operation are prepared. These separate decking rooms save so much time that it has become possible to run the same production with four ORs as was previously possible with five. The Hoogeveen operating rooms are mainly used for operations which can be planned, such as knee and hip operations and mammosurgery.

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