Completion Kroondomein residential care centre Ermelo
On 12 December, Zorggroep Noordwest-Veluwe signed the completion of the new construction. The building on the Sparrenlaan consists of 20 apartments, 40 nursing home spaces + storage rooms, parking spaces and a health care centre and is the first new construction in the Oranjepark district. Present were (top left starting clockwise) Maikel Monde (project manager, Van Wijnen), Stefan Bonnes (quality consultant, IAA Architecten), Kees van Donselaar (contractor, Van Wijnen), Harda Sederel (manager Protected and Carefull Living, Northwest Veluwe Care Group), André Westerbroek (project manager, Installation company Gijsbertsen), Ton Hogendoorn (head of real estate, Zorggroep Noordwest-Veluwe) and Jolande Combee-Paulus (director, Paulus Elektro).