Hybrid operating theatre Hospital Scheper in Emmen
At Treant Zorggroep hospital location Scheper, the construction of a new operating room complex will start at the end of October. The existing complex will be completely rebuilt into five operating rooms with a hybrid operating room to complement the robotic operating room. To ensure sufficient ORs are always available, the renovation will take place in phases and is scheduled to be completed in spring 2023.

The arrival of the new operating room complex is in line with the plans of Zorg voor de Regio (Care for the Region) presented in 2019. The Care for the Region programme aims to future-proof healthcare in Drenthe and Southeast Groningen. With an investment of around 10 million euros, Treant Zorggroep is able to offer high-quality care to the residents of our region.
Hybrid OR
A hybrid OR is an operating room combined with built-in X-ray equipment. This allows the specialist to combine surgery with treatments through the blood vessels by being able to see inside the patient's body using the latest imaging techniques.
ORs in Stadskanaal and Hoogeveen
At the end of 2016, hospital location Refaja in Stadskanaal received a completely new OR complex, followed by hospital location Bethesda in Hoogeveen in 2019. Both complexes at these locations have four operating rooms. In Hoogeveen and Stadskanaal, largely planable operations take place. In Emmen, the emphasis is on acute and complex operations.