Realisation Hansa-Gymnasium in Cologne (DE)
In 2013, IAA Architecten won the tender for the renovation and extension of the Hansa-Gymnasium at the Hansa Ring in the centre of Cologne. The task was threefold: (1) renovation and extension of the monumental building from 1901, (2) implementing a completely new, pedagogical concept and (3) creating a connection to two other educational buildings around the Klingelpütz Park. Together, these projects form the progressive Bildungslandschaft Altstadt Nord (BAN) in which learning and living, school and city are all connected.
In the design phase, IAA Architecten therefore placed great emphasis on opening up the stately but also closed building. In close consultation with the monument department and the advisors, the utmost was asked of the building structure to make both the new cluster education possible as well as making the building more transparent towards the inner courtyard. By making this courtyard public, the school will soon open itself up to the Klingelpütz Park and thus to the neighbourhood and the other educational buildings.
Completion in 2022
Realisation is now in full swing. Because the structural condition of the old building was much worse than expected in many aspects, the implementation has been much delayed. But the most drastic renovation work has now been done and the structural work is slowly phasing into completion work. Among other parts, the exterior brickwork, in which a Goethe quote selected by the pupils will be integrated, is already in its completion phase.