Workshop during 'Day of Boskamp'

  1. involve stakeholders
  2. workshops
  3. complex processes

Boskamp - a small village with 1,400 inhabitants near Olst - is changing: two primary schools have closed down and the church will be withdrawn from worship in 2025. What can be done to keep the village liveable and vibrant? Last Saturday was the 'Day of Boskamp' where IAA Architecten, led by Alex Sievers of Beyond Now conducted a workshop for residents to gather targeted information. It covered issues such as liveability, living and meeting up as well as maintaining the village feel that binds the community together.



All residents were able to participate and think along. What ideas are there, what is promising and where are the bottlenecks? Which housing types appeal? Which target groups deserve priority? Which functions are desirable? What to do with the vacant buildings: demolish them or give them another purpose?

Village agenda is final goal

A second session will follow at the end of April so that a draft village agenda for Boskamp can be ready in May.

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