Four generations open renovated Altingerhof
Friday 28 October saw the festive, official opening of the renovated Altingerhof residential care location in Beilen. After speeches by Henk Gersen (IAA Architecten), Frans Horstink (manager residential care Icare) and Dennis van Achthoven (general director Icare), Frans Horstink was presented with a cheque by Henk Gersen on behalf of all builders. Afterwards, Dennis Bouwman (alderman of the municipality of Midden-Drenthe) planted a commemorative tree, together with four generations: a resident of Altingerhof, together with her son, granddaughter and great-grandchild.

It has become a nice home for residents who need intensive care and attention due to dementia or physical conditions caused by old age. And besides being a nice home for the residents, it is a pleasant environment for care staff to work in. Pavilion 'Het Berkenhofje', the multifunctional building on the Altingerhof grounds, also provides space for communal activities.
Pictures: © Icare