Observation tower officially opened!
The observation tower in the Weusthagpark in Hengelo near the A1 was officially opened on 22 September by Alderman Marcel Elferdink of Hengelo. The striking and over 22 meters high observation tower offers a beautiful view over the Weusthagpark and the A1. The tower is intended as a visual connection between the two parts of the Weusthag Park, which is intersected by the motorway. Since the completion, the tower has already become a real attraction and is frequently visited and photographed.
The Weusthag Park covers about two hundred hectares and is intended to fire the imagination, both on a recreational and a cultural level. Three years ago a competition was organised by 'friends of the Weusthag' to realise an observation tower of at least 20 meters high.
Marko Matic, together with IHC Studio Metalix and ABT, made an integral design of the observation tower in response to the competition. The shell of the tower is made of perforated rusty brown double-formed Corten steel plates with leaf motifs and peepholes, so that the surroundings are clearly visible during the climb. Use has been made of the unique techniques that IHC has to fold cold steel double. ABT has been able to calculate everything with the most modern construction methodologies. The tower is also provided with a spindle staircase with 95 steps which is coupled to the shell and thus ensures a rigid construction.
Practical education, de Kapstok Oldenzaal and the Bonhoeffer College Enschede, helped with the welding and placing of the tower, this gave the students the opportunity to work on and learn from a real task.