Opening new Emergency Department of Leeuwarden Medical Centre
On 12 October 2017 the Leeuwarden Medical Centre new Emergency Department, the largest in the Northern Netherlands, will be opened. It will be double the size, from 1500 to 3000 m² and have a much more practical layout. Keywords for patients and relatives are hospitality, tranquility and privacy. The new building, which also functions as the night entrance, is separate from the hospital and the three different types of emergency rooms are also separated in terms of structure.
The new Emergency Department can now help more patients with more complex and severe injuries in addition to people with for example broken wrists or open wounds. Upon arrival, the patient is assessed by the triage nurse within ten minutes. She checks how serious the problem is. If the urgency is not maximal, for example in case of a broken leg, the patient can proceed to the waiting room. For other cases, a specialised team is ready to act immediately, which will reduce the waiting time.