Designing research

  1. complexity
  2. empathy
  3. designing research

By implementing problems or wishes straight into the design process right from the start of a project, certain elements of the design which are only set forth on a textual level by most other organisations, can quickly and interactively be visualised and thus become clear. Through our design expertise we help parties get a grip on the scale and impact of a problem and its solution. Designing research can also be a good way to visualise spatial interventions which may be sensitive, using a variety of (extreme) solution paths. This way, a fast and effective understanding of the impact of the specific spatial intervention is gained, and the discussion is led away from the "beautiful" or "ugly", making it possible to talk about content and to work towards a proposal supported by all parties.

In our design process, we highly value sound (preliminary) research. This can be supportive in processes of design, development as well as execution, in the form of research into important socially relevant themes, such as ** [spatial integration of energy transition] (( "spatial integration of energy transition") **, the future of health care and accessibility in the built environment.