news archive

  1. IAA'ers at Dutch Design Week Eindhoven

    This week, IAA'ers Floor Nijdeken and Bin Xu will be present at Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. Besides architecture and interior design at IAA Architecten, they also work on their own projects, which can be said to …

  2. Former pumping station reborn as art space

    In Bronkhorst, Gelderland, a former pumping station was reborn as an art space this spring. Commissioned by Stichting Kunstgemaal, IAA Architecten has converted the ground floor of the existing house into a flexible …

  3. MST approaching architectural completion

    Since 2012, we have been working on the construction of the new top clinical hospital Medisch Spectrum Twente (MST) in Enschede with many hands. Completion is in sight and the building has become a very special …

  4. Arcus College completed

    Arcus College in Heerlen was completed on 6 May. Within a spacious square-shaped plot, six semicircular buildings have been situated against the edges of this plot, facing each other. They look like melon slices or …

  5. Opening Double Diagnosis Clinic in Zutphen

    The Double Diagnosis is an Intensive Treatment Clinic for people with both psychological and addiction problems. It has a secluded and a closed part, which are designed in a progressive way. In anticipation of new …

  6. Official Completion The Weggeler, Almelo

    The Weggeler residential care complex was officially completed on Tuesday 15 April. In early spring there had already been an open day for the public, but now the building is really finished. The Weggeler will be a …

  7. Faralda Crane officially opened

    The Faralda Crane Hotel in Amsterdam will open on Friday 4 April. Together with its partner VDNDP, IAA Architecten has been closely involved in the creation of this special hotel. The transformation of the old NDSM …

  8. Second place for watchtower 'The Weusthag'!

    Last week, Marko Matic of IAA Architecten and his design team won second place in the design competition for a lookout tower in the green area of the Weusthag, to the north of Hengelo. The tower stands out for its …

  9. Festive opening Ariënshuis in Glanerbrug

    On Friday 8 November 2013, new residential care centre Ariënshuis in Glanerbrug was festively opened by drs. Ank Bijleveld-Schouten, commissioner of the King in Overijssel. BIM When the construction started in …